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Add on Services

Add any of these services to your Drop In Visit, Cat Care, Overnight Stay, Farm Care, Dog Walking, House Sitting, or Pet Taxi service!

- Waste Removal: On our last visit/day we'll ensure your yard is free from pet waste. $15
- Nail Trim: Nail clipping and filing if your pet allows it. $15
- Pet Taxi: Let us take your furry friend to the groomer, veterinarian or daycare! $25-50 depending on distance.
- Laundry: Need some help catching up on laundry? We'll wash, dry, and fold it for you according to your instructions. $10 per load
- Errand Service: Need something picked up from the grocery store or dry cleaners? Forgot to get dog food? Let us get it for you! $30 per hour + cost of item purchased.
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